Disclaimer: The opinions described in this blog are mine, and in no way reflect those of the Peace Corps.

Friday, August 14, 2009

delirium and more

im really really tired.

my in country training has been really difficult so far, but according to all the volunteers, facilitators, and trainers i just need to make it through stage and im good.

got my post the other day: ill be living in the mono couffo region in the southwest of benin, in a village called klouekamey (i donbt know how to spell it and my internet time is running out)

lots of vodoun (again spelling) and fon and aja speakers...so ill be learning fon and aja soon.

i know you all want pictures, so ill get on that soon hopefully, but an technilogically impaired at the moment in terms of computers and cameras/dont feel like loading all my photos onto a shady cyber cafe computer.

dont worry though, things are happening, wheels are turning (yes, kids really do roll tires down the street with sticks), and hopefully my white blood cells are kicking some ass.


Jane said...

Good Day. Komusta?(How are you?) Hope you are doing fine. I am Jane, a postcard enthusiast and currently blogging at:


I've been reading your blog lately.

I am currently working on a project called "Postcard Project 100"The goal is to received stamped and written postcards sent from the country itself. I am planning on presenting it to my history class, and I need your cooperation to make this project possible.
Only one beautiful postcard to have this project grow. Hope you will be able to participate.

Great Hugs and Thank you,
Jane Betito
565 North Poblacion
6037 Naga, CEBU

sheena said...

Hey- I was the former volunteer, along with my husband, who just left Klouekanme! If you have any questions or anything feel free to email me. Hope you like your post and good luck with service!

Ana Roca said...

heyyy well as long as you get to see kids rolling tires with sticks, that will make the whole experience worth while. and im glad that your spell check doesnt work because this way i can sound it out and actually say it haha.
